Become a Member Today
By joining This Is My Quest and purchasing a membership you are saying yes,
I want to help support all of the programs that This Is My Quest has to offer.

Which Membership is right for you?
Our Basic Membership is an affordable way for you to say yes I believe in the causes that This is My Quest works on. This membership will be used to help us plant a tree with a child, get a veteran outside, or teach women how to survive in the outdoors.
By stepping up and becoming a general member you are doing more for the future of conservation. With your dollars, This is My Quest will be able to build on the list of items we can complete with a basic membership and access more land for further outdoor opportunities.
By becoming a premium
member you're a saying I believe in the cause and want to be actively involved in helping with all projects outdoors. Youth, women, and veterans all need accessible spaces and the premium membership helps us give them to the max. Planting trees and pollinators, taking veterans out one more time, and teaching women the skills needed to succeed outdoors.

Our Gift to You!
By becoming a member of This Is My Quest you have made the decision to support our causes. No matter which one and we appreciate your support.
With your Basic membership you will receive a Membership card, a Membership Pin, our quarterly newsletter, inside access to gear raffles, and our thanks for your support.
With your General membership you will receive a Membership card, a Membership Pin, A This Is My Quest Hat, our quarterly newsletter, access to members only gear raffles, and our thanks for your support.
With your Premium membership you will receive a Membership card, a Membership Pin, A This Is My Quest Hat, A This Is My Quest T-shirt, our quarterly newsletter, access to members only gear raffles, and our thanks for your support.
All members are welcome to become volunteers as well!